3 pm and zero sales...here's what I did 😒

It's a quiet Monday, July 22nd.

It's 3 pm and I haven't made a sale yet 😒

Considering I'd been waking up to multiple sales and averaging 10-12 sales every day for 5+ weeks straight before that, I was a little bummed out.
I say to myself, "I've been on a 5-week streak of daily sales. I'm not gonna let today be a zero dollar day without at least putting in my 100% best shot!"​
​So I quickly run through my daily "Revenue Routine" (which I shared with you yesterday here).

It's a little checklist of things that cumulatively bring in consistent course sales.
​It takes me about 30 minutes total to do the handful of tasks.

I quickly whipped up an email and a post (this is the email I sent that day, if you're curious).

I sent that email and made the post at 3:48 pm (see below).

Within a few minutes of hitting "send" and posting, sales start coming in:

Within a few hours?

I've made 7 new sales before I go to bed.

I turned what was looking like a 0 sales day into 7 new sales with a 30-minute "Revenue Routine" speed run πŸ˜‚

I'm teaching ALL of these Revenue Routines and money-making checklists in Evergreen Every Day.​
When I say I made a decision to make sales every day and am acting accordingly, I am not playing around.

I MADE A DECISION. Not a nice to have. Not a wish.​
​A decision.​
And every day I act accordingly.
It doesn't take a long time. It's not "too hard". I just do it.
I am living and breathing Evergreen Every Day... every day.

"Evergreen Every Day" is just as much about the daily ACTIONS and activities as it is about the funnels/systems/automations/offers/sales. You gotta show up for it every day.
When you are ready to commit to the daily ACTIONS required to level up, join us inside.

​Join the Evergreen Every Day pre-sale before the next price increase ⏰

⭐ Here's the details:

  • Evergreen Every Day is a NEW program that will be delivered in late August + September 2024.
  • It is currently on pre-sale for 74% OFF (yes really - it's $77 today, but will be $299+ as the price goes up).
  • The price will go up every few days between now and when the live program kicks off

I cannot wait to show you exactly what we’re doing to create those β€œcha-ching!” notifications of new course sales each day.

It’s a fresh, fun approach to selling that I think you’ll really love!

⭐ Join the pre-sale for Evergreen Every Day!​




PS - If you're in Profit Architecture, you get Evergreen Every Day included when it goes live! The perks of being in Profit Architecture - you get EVERYTHING 😁

If you want access to Evergreen Every Day when it goes live and instant access to ALL of my courses about creating your evergreen ecosystem of funnels + offers join Profit Architecture today!

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If you were forwarded this email, join here to get the next one.





Mariah Coz

I help creators monetize through content + creative digital products. Subscribe to Creator Confessions and get existential musings from a professional creative.

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