I put my evergreen funnels to the test 😬

The last few weeks have been chaotic to say the least.

In both fun ways, and not so fun ways 😂

🥰 I was hosting friends staying with me for 2 weeks (fun!)

🥰 We went on tons of adventures and trips (fun!)

🥰 Spent days on the beach, in the mountains, on vacation (fun!)

🥰 Went to a huge Metallica concert...twice (fun!)

🥰 Stayed at a gorgeous lakeside resort for our annual trip (fun!)

🥰 Rented a boat and cruised around the lake (fun!)

But it wasn't all roses and rainbows...

😭 I got sick for an entire week (ugh)

😭 My hot water heater broke while hosting guests at my house...twice!! (yikes)

😭 I was flat out exhausted from all the fun + activities (I need a nap)

The reality was that the last few weeks I could really only work for 1-ish hour a day, and for about 1.5 weeks I was completely off-the-grid with no work.

This was like a stress-test for my evergreen funnels + sales systems.

How would they perform while I could only do <1 hour of work per day, and some days NO work at all?

I was genuinely curious what would happen.

So - how'd my evergreen funnels do throughout all this craziness? ⬇️

^ One of those days, while I was on a trip to the mountains with friends, we had 30 "orders" (which was 45 course sales with order bumps + upsells!). Insane! 🤯

This is all from implementing the new funnels, products, and daily "revenue routines" I'm going to teach you in Evergreen Every Day (join us before the price goes up TOMORROW!).

Even I am surprised how well the funnels + systems kept working while I was extremely limited with my work time for these few weeks.

And I don't want to sugarcoat it - when I was hosting guests, I was waking up an hour earlier than everyone else so I could get my daily Revenue Routine in before the day's activities began.

I made a commitment to selling every day, and I'm following through.

And it has been SO worth it.

In my next email, I'm going to share the results of a little experiment I ran while I was totally off-the-grid for over a week and couldn't be doing my usual daily selling "Revenue Routine"... stay tuned for that!

If you want to see how I'm creating such consistent evergreen course sales right now, join us in Evergreen Every Day before the price goes up tomorrow.

Join the Evergreen Every Day pre-sale before the price increase

Here's the details:

  • Evergreen Every Day is a NEW program that will be delivered in late August + September 2024.
  • It is currently on pre-sale
  • The price goes up every few days between now and when the program kicks off - there is a price increase coming TOMORROW - Monday, August 19th!

🤩 REMINDER: Evergreen Every Day is also *included* inside my all-access-pass program Profit Architecture! If you want access to Evergreen Every Day when it goes live and instant access to ALL of my courses about creating your evergreen ecosystem of funnels + offers join Profit Architecture here today.

Catch up on the other updates I've sent about Evergreen Every Day:

I had to get really honest with myself 🫣

14+ product ideas from this 1 video? 🤓

a funnel with NO countdown timers 👀

my daily "revenue routine" ✅

how I turned around a 0 sales day 😢

See you inside!



PS - If you're in Profit Architecture, you get Evergreen Every Day included when it goes live! The perks of being in Profit Architecture - you get EVERYTHING 😁

🛍️ Check out the SHOP: Find all of our offers in one place in the shop, right here.

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Mariah Coz

I help creators monetize through content + creative digital products. Subscribe to Creator Confessions and get existential musings from a professional creative.

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