
Mariah Coz

I help creators monetize through content + creative digital products. Subscribe to Creator Confessions and get existential musings from a professional creative.

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my content strategy for way more sales 💵

If you're not making content, you're not making SALES. "Content" can literally be anything - emails, social media posts, Youtube videos, podcasts. Whatever platform and format YOU like. It does NOT need to be hard, but you do need to choose a platform and commit to it for 90 days and see what happens when you start blowing up your audience and sales from content! 😢 If the fact you don't have a full Content Bank of ideas at your fingertips, or a System for making turning those ideas into...

It has been just over 90 days since I made a decision that changed everything. In early June, I decided: "I'm going to make sales EVERY DAY. I am going to show up and sell, EVERY DAY. I am going to go ALL IN and see what happens." 2 weeks later, on June 14th, I launched 3 new products, new funnels, started showing up and selling daily, and got out of my own way. Everything has changed over the last 90 days since that moment. It's my "before and after" line in the sand. In the last 3 months I...

Yesterday I shared with you how we were celebrating our own $33k flash sale by giving your our flash sale playbook + templates (and a detailed case study breakdown of the $33k flash sale)... for just $33! This special pricing is only for a few days as a celebration - so I wouldn't wait! ⚡ Flash Sale Templates - run your own 4-day flash sale now! There are so many ways to use a flash sale to create a cash injection! Here are 4 of my favorites: ⚡ Do a "last chance" promotion for a program you...

Let me start off by saying, I am NOT a "batching" person 😂 I do not batch a month of content in advance, I do not pre-write my emails, I don't think that far ahead to be honest! But I made a commitment to selling every day (and making sales every day). (Ahem, exactly what we're doing in Evergreen Every Day). So when I knew I was going to be completely Out Of Office, off-the-grid on vacation at the lake for a week, I made a plan and ran a test 🏖️ My hypothesis? "Could I make sales every day...

The last few weeks have been chaotic to say the least. In both fun ways, and not so fun ways 😂 🥰 I was hosting friends staying with me for 2 weeks (fun!) 🥰 We went on tons of adventures and trips (fun!) 🥰 Spent days on the beach, in the mountains, on vacation (fun!) 🥰 Went to a huge Metallica concert...twice (fun!) 🥰 Stayed at a gorgeous lakeside resort for our annual trip (fun!) 🥰 Rented a boat and cruised around the lake (fun!) But it wasn't all roses and rainbows... 😭 I got sick for an...

It's a quiet Monday, July 22nd. It's 3 pm and I haven't made a sale yet 😢 Considering I'd been waking up to multiple sales and averaging 10-12 sales every day for 5+ weeks straight before that, I was a little bummed out.I say to myself, "I've been on a 5-week streak of daily sales. I'm not gonna let today be a zero dollar day without at least putting in my 100% best shot!"So I quickly run through my daily "Revenue Routine" (which I shared with you yesterday here). It's a little checklist of...

I've gotten so many questions about my daily Revenue Routine that ensures I bring in sales all day every day for all different offers on evergreen. Making sales all day every day is about showing up and SELLING every day. Yes, you need the systems, the funnels, the order bumps, the email sequences, the automations - those are what make is easy for people to buy multiple things from you (all the stuff I'll be teaching in Evergreen Every Day.) But if you want sales coming in every day on...

There, I said it. YOU ARE SPENDING TOO MUCH TIME CREATING FREE CONTENT. Creating + publishing content regularly is a piece of the puzzle when it comes to making consistent, evergreen sales of your courses and programs 💵 But it's only one piece... Outlining, creating, publishing and repurposing your content should NOT take you hours and hours every week. You should never be staring at a blank page. You should be able to get your podcasts, emails, and posts out quickly! You need to simply and...

How Repurposing Content Made Me $$$ And Sales Last Week PRE-PS: Have you watched my new video where I shared some initial revenue, ad ROAS, sales results *and* the mindset shift behind my "sell every day" experiment? It's literal gold. One thing we track with our sales is where people are coming from and why they are buying. I want to know what marketing channels and content is turning into actual sales! We collect this data at checkout and organize it in our customer database to crunch the...

Everything Can Change So Fast When You Make A Decision And Act Accordingly Read the article on my website Watch the video and comment in the community Listen on the Mariah Coz Show podcast This video captures in real time the huge shifts I am experiencing to create a massive increase in sales right now. In this new video I'm talking revenue, ad ROAS, new sales *and* the mindset shift behind it all - it's a gold mine! About a month ago, I made the decision that we were going to make sales all...